воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Feelgood Svenska AB reports 6-month operating profit of SEK3.42m.(Brief Article) - Nordic Business Report

NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-24 August 2004-Feelgood Svenska AB reports 6-month operating profit of SEK3.42m(C)1994-2004 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD http://www.m2.com

The Swedish health services provider Feelgood Svenska AB issued its six-month results on Tuesday (24 August), posting an operating profit of SEK3.42m, as compared to a loss of SEK1.87m in the first six months of 2003.

The net turnover amounted to SEK212.86m, as compared to SEK215.88m in the first half of last year.

One Swedish krona (SEK) is worth approximately 0.07 British pounds (GBP).

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